Why Apply with MyWorld Careers

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At MyWorld Careers, we are here to provide you with a complete recruitment experience. We understand the importance of a job change and are committed to helping you make the right decisions to ensure a successful career in Laos.

Our team of experienced recruiters are constantly reviewing thousands of CVs and interviewing hundreds of candidates every month, giving us a deep insight into the job market in Laos. 

We will help you write a professional CV, prepare for interviews, negotiate job offers, and guide you through the resignation process. With our team of experts, you can trust that you are getting the best advice and support to make the right decisions in order to build a successful career.

With the support of the region’s most professional and experienced recruitment consultants, the MyWorld team supports hundreds of candidates every week to choose their next career. You can rely on our team to help you make the best choice.

Applying for a job with MyWorld Careers is all free to you as a candidate, so you can be comfortable with sending your CV to support@myworld-careers.com or submitting your CV to find roles to apply to and start searching for your next job. Don’t forget to ask us for advice on writing your CV or help with interview preparation.

Many of the vacancies we handle for our clients are listed on our website, however there are often jobs that we do not list. We are also able to introduce you to clients even when there isn't a specific vacancy due to our strong and long-standing relationships with them.

Searching and Applying for Jobs

Searching for a job and submitting a CV at MyWorld Careers is a quick and easy process, taking less than 30 seconds. Just click on 'Looking For A Job' in the top menu, enter your basic details and upload your CV.

We make it easy for you to search for jobs, just follow the steps below.

  • Enter the type of job or related keywords you are looking for into the search box on the Home page or the Job Search page
  • Use the filters on the right side of the Job Search page to search by Sector and it will give you a better match
  • When there is a role that seems the right fit for you, click on 'APPLY NOW' to see more details about the position and apply for the job by submitting the form.

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    career advice

    Master the Art of Negotiation: Tips for Securing the Best Job Offer

    Negotiating for the best offer can be daunting, but it's crucial to remember your value. You're bringing your skills, experience, and enthusiasm to the table and deserve fair compensation.

    Here are some tips to help you negotiate the best offer:

    Do Your Research

    Before negotiating, research the market rate for your position and experience level. Use online resources like Salary.com or Glassdoor to see what others in your field are earning.

    Be Prepared to Walk Away

    If the offer doesn't meet your expectations, be ready to walk away. This shows the employer you're serious about getting a fair deal. Have a backup plan in case negotiations fall through.

    Be Assertive but Respectful

    Assertiveness is key in negotiation, but so is respect. Remember, the employer is also looking for a good deal. Be clear about your expectations and willing to compromise.

    Specific Negotiation Tactics:

    Ask for More Than You Expect

    Start high and negotiate down, rather than starting low and trying to negotiate up. This gives you more room to negotiate.

    Justify Your Request

    When asking for more money or benefits, be ready to justify your request. Explain why you're worth more than the initial offer, highlighting your skills, experience, and accomplishments.

    Be Willing to Compromise

    While you may not get everything you want, aim to reach a fair agreement for both parties.

    Don't Be Afraid to Say No

    If you're not satisfied with the offer, don't hesitate to say no. It's better to walk away than to accept a deal you're unhappy with.

    Negotiating for the best offer can be challenging, but remember your worth. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of securing a fair deal.

    career advice

    7 Steps to Successfully Transitioning Careers for White-Collar Professionals

    If you're an office worker feeling restless or unfulfilled, you're not alone. Many people find themselves at a crossroads in their careers, wondering if it's time to make a change. Changing careers requires careful planning, research, and preparation. You need to assess your skills, interests, and values, and find out what kind of career suits you best. You also need to learn about the new industry you want to enter and how to market yourself effectively to potential employers.

    In this article, we will guide you through the process of transitioning careers for office workers who want to explore new horizons. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process:

    Know Your Skills, Interests, and Values

    The first step to transitioning careers is to understand yourself better. What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? Once you have a good understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, you can start to identify potential career paths that would be a good fit for you.

    You can conduct a SWOT analysis or use a self-assessment tool such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or the Strong Interest Inventory (SII). These tools can help you discover your personality type, preferences, and motivations, and suggest suitable career options based on your results.

    Research New Industries and Occupations

    Once you have a few potential career paths in mind, it's time to do some research. Learn about the different industries and the types of jobs that are available. What are the average salaries? What are job prospects like? What are the day-to-day responsibilities of the job?

    You can use online resources such as LinkedIn to find relevant information like job descriptions, salary ranges, industry trends, and company profiles. You can also use them to search for keywords related to your desired field, such as "digital marketing," "social work," "graphic design," etc. Another way to research new industries and occupations is to talk to people who work in them. This is where networking comes in handy.

    Network with People in Your Desired Field

    One of the best ways to learn about new careers and find job opportunities is to network with people in your desired field. Attend industry events like conferences, seminars, workshops, webinars, and meetups. Join online communities, reach out to people on LinkedIn, and ask your friends and family if they know anyone who works in the field you're interested in.

    Customize Your Resume and Cover Letter

    Don't forget to tailor your resume and cover letter to each specific job you apply for. Once you've decided on a new career path, it's time to update your resume and cover letter. Highlight your transferable skills and relevant experience that match the requirements of your new field. Showcase your achievements and accomplishments that demonstrate your value and potential. Include samples of your work or projects that showcase your creativity and innovation.

    Practice Your Interviewing Skills

    Research the common questions and scenarios that you may encounter in interviews for your new field. This will help you feel more confident and prepared on the day of your interview and increase your chance of landing a job. Practice your answers and responses using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result). Anticipate the possible objections or concerns that employers may have about your career change and prepare convincing counterarguments or solutions.

    Negotiate for the Best Offer

    Evaluate the pros and cons of the offers that you receive from different employers. Consider not only the salary and benefits, but also the culture and values, growth opportunities, work-life balance, etc. Negotiate for the best offer that meets your needs and expectations.

    Be Patient and Persistent

    Transitioning to a new career doesn't happen overnight. It takes time, effort, and patience. Don't get discouraged if you don't get the first job you apply for. Keep trying and eventually you'll find the right opportunity for you.

    Additional Tips for Making a Successful Career Pivot:

    • Don't be afraid to start at the bottom. If you're transitioning to a new industry, you may have to start at an entry-level position. But don't let that discourage you. This is a great way to learn the ropes and gain experience.
    • Be willing to relocate. If you're willing to relocate, you'll have more job opportunities to choose from. Consider moving to a city with a strong economy and a thriving job market in your desired field.
    • Be flexible. Don't be too picky about your first job after transitioning careers. Be open to new opportunities and be willing to learn new things.
    • Transitioning to a new career can be a challenge, but it's also an opportunity to explore new horizons and find a career that you're passionate about.

    By following the tips above, you can increase your chances of success.

    career advice

    9 Key Qualities that Employers Look for in Job Candidates

    In today's rapidly evolving job market, employers are constantly on the lookout for candidates who possess a unique set of skills and qualities. As technology continues to shape industries, it's crucial for job seekers to stay ahead of the curve and adapt to the changing demands of the workforce. In this blog, we will explore the key qualities that employers seek in job candidates in this digital era.

    1. Communication Skills

    Effective communication and the ability to work well with others are highly desirable qualities in job candidates. Employers seek individuals who can confidently articulate their ideas clearly, collaborate with team members, and interact with clients and customers effectively.

    2. Adaptability and Flexibility

    In a rapidly changing work environment, adaptability and flexibility are crucial qualities. Employers look for candidates who can quickly adapt to new technologies, processes, and work environments. The ability to embrace change and learn new skills is highly valued.

    3. Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills

    Employers seek candidates who possess strong analytical skills and can think critically to solve complex problems. The ability to recognize and define issues, propose effective solutions, and make data-driven decisions is invaluable in today's digital era.

    4. Dependability and Work Ethic

    Reliability, determination, and a strong work ethic are qualities that employers highly value. Demonstrating dependability, persistence to accomplish goals, responsibility, and consistency in job performance is essential to gaining the trust of employers.

    5. Teamwork and Collaboration

    The ability to work effectively in teams and collaborate with others is essential in today's interconnected world. Employers value candidates who can communicate and cooperate with diverse team members, contributing positively to group projects.

    6. Creativity and Innovation

    Employers are increasingly looking for candidates who are creative and innovative. This means being able to think outside the box and come up with new ideas to improve the way things are done.

    7. Technological Literacy

    In the digital era, employers expect candidates to be technologically literate. Proficiency in relevant software, tools, and platforms is highly desirable. Familiarity with digital marketing, data analysis, project management software, and other relevant technologies can give job seekers a competitive edge.

    8. Cultural Fit

    Companies prioritize hiring candidates who align with their values, mission, and company culture. Employers seek individuals who will not only excel in their roles but also integrate seamlessly into the existing team. Demonstrating enthusiasm, a positive attitude, and an understanding of the company's values during the interview process can greatly increase your chances of being seen as a strong cultural fit.

    9. Eagerness to Learn

    The digital era demands a commitment to lifelong learning. Employers value candidates who have a growth mindset and are willing to acquire new knowledge and skills. Demonstrating a commitment to professional development through attending workshops, obtaining certifications, or participating in online courses can set candidates apart.

    In addition to these general qualities, employers may also look for specific qualities that are relevant to the particular job opening. For example, an employer hiring for a sales position may look for candidates who are outgoing and have a strong ability to build relationships. An employer hiring for a software engineering position may look for candidates with strong programming skills and experience with specific software development tools.

    When applying for jobs, it is important to highlight the qualities that you have that are relevant to the specific job opening. You can do this in your resume, cover letter, and interviews. Be sure to provide specific examples of how you have demonstrated these qualities in your previous work or education.